Click on any of the lab members to get more information!.

Prof. Dr. Deniz Erdoğmuş
Head of the Cognitive Systems Lab
I am the CTO of Kostas Research Institute and a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, where he previously served as the first Associate Chair for Research. His research interests are Signal and Image Analysis, Machine Learning, Information Fusion and Inference in multiple application domains Brain and Body Interfaces for Computers, Robots, Systems including Human-in-the-loop Cyber-Physical System
College of Engineering, Office , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Dr. Yorgos Stratis
Associate Research Scientist
I am a researcher with expertise in physics and machine learning. I strongly value soft skills and can convey complex technical concepts to non-experts. I believe in the power of collaboration between interdisciplinary teams and am interested in partnering with industry affiliates to apply cutting edge research to address problems with social, medical, and economic ramifications.
College of Engineering, Office , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts
Postdoctoral Researchers

Yunus Bicer
(coadvised with Mathew Yarossi)
I am a PhD candidate interested in statistical inference on biosignals, near real-time system design, GUI development. A fun fact about me is that I am left handed, so, I am ineligible for any experiment that I designed.
College of Engineering , EXP 760 , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Kyle Lockwood
(coadvised with Gene Tunik)
I'm a member of the Cognitive Systems and Movement Neuroscience labs at Northeastern University where I apply machine learning approaches to problems in movement neuroscience. I enjoy tennis, skiing, and 3D animation!
College of Engineering , ISEC 570 , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Doctoral Researchers
Basak Celik
I am a PhD candidate, working on developing machine learning algorithms for brain (EEG) and muscle signals (EMG). My main research interests are: self-supervised learning with EEG & EMG, real-time gesture recognition and multi-label classification, multimodal sensory fusion for Brain-Computer Interfaces. I also love playing guitar and piano!
College of Engineering , EXP 760 , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Ahmet Demirkaya
My research focuses on developing hybrid modeling frameworks that merge physics-based methods with neural networks to explore complex dynamic systems, particularly those with partially observed states. Additionally, I am applying machine learning to time series data for forecasting applications, such as utilizing wearable biosensing technology to predict aggressive behavior in autistic youth.
College of Engineering , EXP 710 , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Paul Ghanem
(coadvised with Alireza Ramezani)
I am a PhD Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern university. His research interests are Machine Learning, Imitation Learning, Control Theory, Robotics, State estimation and Sensor Fusion in multiple application domains such as Biological systems, Robots and Audio systems.
College of Engineering, Office , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Beyza Kalkanlı
During my PhD, I focus on improving active learning algorithms and training procedures, applying my knowledge to diverse domains such as eye disease detection and Brain-Computer Interface calibration. I love traveling, playing volleyball, and I am unnecessarily competitive with games. Fun fact: In Australia, I went to a koala sanctuary and petted baby kangaroos.
College of Engineering, Office , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Qiang Liu, M.Sc.
PhD student
I am a first year Ph.D. student at Dr. Deniz. Erdogmus's lab. My research interest is open-source fast MRI sequence development and image reconstruction.
College of Engineering, Office , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Michael Potter
(coadvised with Michael Everett)
I am a PhD student interested in Bayesian statistics, time-to-event modeling, and physics-based deep learning. A fun fact about me is that I am a professional juggler (I can juggle anything).
College of Engineering , EXP 760 , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Ashutosh Singh
My research lies at the intersection of signal processing, control theory, and machine learning. I am particularly interested in understanding complex dynamical systems through the analysis of spatio-temporal data. By integrating techniques from signal processing and control theory, I aim to uncover the underlying mechanisms governing these complex systems. Currently, I am engaged in projects ranging from designing machine learning models to draw inference from bio-signals, generative modeling of 3D human motion and recognition of patterns in brain activity induced by emotional stimuli. In my leisure time, I enjoy engaging in conversations about geopolitics and stock market. I also love reading manga and watching anime.
College of Engineering, EXP 760 , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts

Elifnur Sunger
(coadvised with Jennifer Dy)
I am interested in machine learning applications for healthcare, specifically in explaining black-box models for Retinopathy of Prematurity classification and developing a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) typing task using noninvasive EEG. I enjoy baking, and I just started pottery!
College of Engineering , EXP 760 , Boston , Huntington, Massachusetts